13. Exercise 2: Creating Ground Truth with Slicer


Exercise 2: Creating Ground Truth with Slicer

This exercise will have you create your own spleen segmentation mask using Slicer. A fun thing would be to plug it into the Dice score algorithm from the previous lesson and compare yourself with the ground truth.

Udacity Workspace Note: This workspace will include the ability to access a virtual desktop via the "Go to Desktop" button in which you will be able to access the Slicer tool - you can find a shortcut on the desktop.


If you need a code on the https://github.com/udacity.

  • userCode:

    /root/miniconda3/bin/conda init bash > /dev/null
    grep -qxF "conda activate medai" /root/.bashrc || echo "conda activate medai" >> /root/.bashrc

  • Solution

    You can find the solution to this exercise here. You can run the solution on Slicer to see the mask I created for the spleen.